As we begin to emerge from the immediate impacts of the global pandemic, we have before us a completely new landscape to discover. Whilst we all interpret this evolving situation, it is natural to revert to what we have known before, looking to previous recessions or moments in time to identify what path our economy and the construction market might take, how we should navigate it and how we will eventually recover. 

Whilst these points of reference provide some indicators, this is a totally new socio-economic position. When COVID-19 hit, rather than a demand issue occurring, supply stopped abruptly. Collectively as an industry, our response has been to look to new ways of working to support ongoing construction on sites and help prepare those shutdown to remobilise quickly. 

Heading into a new landscape examines the construction industry’s journey over the past quarter, looking at the potential impact of inflation. We address contractual, tendering and claims scenarios stakeholders may be faced with, looking ahead by sector to the changes in the industry’s working practices. 

As you move your projects through 2020, our teams across the UK are here to help maximise the opportunities and navigate the challenges this new landscape brings, and we look forward to moving ahead with you. 

“As we begin to emerge from the immediate impacts of the global pandemic, we have before us a completely new landscape to discover.”

James Garner

James Garner
Senior Director - Global Head of Data and Intelligence